The dplyr
package can be used to query the various tables available in the database.
Here is a description of tables and fields which are included.
table | field | description | type_mysql | type |
hcaf_r | ID | Unique HCAF ID, for internal use only. | int | int |
hcaf_r | CsquareCode | A unique identifier for every half-degree cell in the global map based on the c-square method - a hierarchical cell labelling system developed at CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (then CSIRO Marine Research). Example: 3414:227:3 | varchar | chr |
hcaf_r | LOICZID | LOICZ ID numbers are long integers from 1 to 259200. They begin with the cell centered at 89.75 degrees N latitude and 179.75 degrees W latitude and proceed from West to East. When a full circle of 720 cells is completed, the numbering steps one cell south along the -180 meridian and continues sequentially west to east. | int | int |
hcaf_r | NLimit | Northern boundary of cell in decimal degrees latitude (positive in N hemisphere, negative in S hemisphere). Points falling on this line are considered inside the cell in the S hemisphere (exception: cells adjoining the equator, i.e., where N_limit = 0). Also (polar case), points on this line are “inside” in the N hemisphere when N_limit = 90. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | Slimit | Southern boundary of cell in decimal degrees latitude (positive in N hemisphere, negative in S hemisphere). Points falling on this line are considered inside the cell in the N hemisphere. Also (polar case), points on this line are “inside” in the S hemisphere when S_limit = -90. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | WLimit | Western boundary of cell in decimal degrees latitude (positive in E hemisphere, negative in W hemisphere). Points falling on this line are considered inside the cell in the E hemisphere. Also (boundary case), points on this line are “inside” in the W hemisphere when W_limit = -180. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | ELimit | Eastern boundary of cell in decimal degrees latitude (positive in E hemisphere, negative in W hemisphere). Points falling on this line are considered inside the cell in the W hemisphere (exception: cells adjoining the Greenwich Meridian, i.e., where E_limit = 0). Also (boundary case), points on this line are “inside” in the E hemisphere when E_limit = 180. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | CenterLat | The center point of the cell in decimal degrees latitude. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | CenterLong | The center point of the cell in decimal degrees longitude. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | CellArea | The total area inside the cell in square kilometers, using WGS84 and Miller cylindrical projection (KGS description). | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | OceanArea | The area in the cell that is normally covered by sea water or permanent ice, in square kilometers (KGS description). | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | PWater | Proportion of water in each cell. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | ClimZoneCode | Climate zone to which the cell belongs based on climate zone shape file in SAU database. | varchar | chr |
hcaf_r | FAOAreaM | Code number of FAO statistical area to which the cell belongs, for all oceanic and coastal cells. | int | int |
hcaf_r | FAOAreaIn | Code number of FAO statistical area to which the cell belongs, for all inland and coastal cells. | int | int |
hcaf_r | CountryMain | UN code number of country, island or area to which the largest land area of the cell belongs, for all inland and coastal cells. | varchar | chr |
hcaf_r | CountrySecond | UN code number of country, island or area to which the second largest land area of the cell belongs, for all inland and coastal cells. | varchar | chr |
hcaf_r | CountryThird | UN code number of country, island or area to which the third largest land area of the cell belongs, for all inland and coastal cells. | varchar | chr |
hcaf_r | CountrySubMain | ISO code number of state, province, region to which the largest land area of the cell belongs. | varchar | chr |
hcaf_r | CountrySubSecond | ISO code number of state, province, region to which the second largest land area of the cell belongs. | varchar | chr |
hcaf_r | CountrySubThird | ISO code number of state, province, region to which the third largest land area of the cell belongs. | varchar | chr |
hcaf_r | EEZ | Code number of country, island or area to which the EEZ area in the cell belongs, for all coastal and oceanic cells. | int | int |
hcaf_r | LME | Code number of the large marine ecosystem to which the cell belongs, as given by NOAA (, for all coastal and oceanic cells. | int | int |
hcaf_r | LMEBorder | Tags whether or not cell lies along the border of an LME. 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hcaf_r | MEOW | 5-digit code (ECO_Code) refering to the marine ecoregion the cell belongs to, as assigned by MEOW, a biogeographic classification of the world’s coasts and shelves. | int | int |
hcaf_r | OceanBasin | Major ocean basins of world with north and south sub-basins separated by latitudinal data from literature. | int | int |
hcaf_r | IslandsNo | Number of coastal or oceanic islands contained in cell, as provided by the World Vector Shoreline database. | int | int |
hcaf_r | Area0_20 | Area in cell from 0-20 m depth, in square kilometers, as provided by Smith and Sandwell: Bathymetry and Elevation (currently only 70 N to 70 S). | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | Area20_40 | Area in cell from 20-40 m depth, in square kilometers, as provided by Smith and Sandwell: Bathymetry and Elevation. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | Area40_60 | Area in cell from 40-60 m depth, in square kilometers, as provided by Smith and Sandwell: Bathymetry and Elevation. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | Area60_80 | Area in cell 60-80 m depth, in square kilometers, as provided by Smith and Sandwell: Bathymetry and Elevation. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | Area80_100 | Area in cell from 80-100 m depth, in square kilometers, as provided by Smith and Sandwell: Bathymetry and Elevation. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | AreaBelow100 | Area in cell below 100 m depth, in square kilometers, as provided by Smith and Sandwell: Bathymetry and Elevation. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | ElevationMin | Minimum elevation above sea level in meters, as provided by ETOPO2. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | ElevationMax | Maximum elevation above sea level in cell in meters, as provided by ETOPO2. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | ElevationMean | Mean elevation above sea level in meters, as provided by ETOPO2. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | ElevationSD | Standard deviation of mean elevation above sea level in meters, as provided by ETOPO2. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | DepthMin | Minimum ETOPO 2min bathymetry (negative) elevation in 30min cell. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | DepthMax | Maximum ETOPO 2min bathymetry (negative) elevation in 30min cell. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | DepthMean | Mean ETOPO 2min bathymetry (negative) elevation in 30min cell. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | DepthSD | Standard deviation of mean bottom depth below sea level in meters, as provided by ETOPO2. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | SSTAnMean | Mean annual sea surface temperature in degree Celsius (2000-2014), as derived from Bio-ORACLE, for all coastal and oceanic cells, from 90 N to 78.5 S. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | SBTAnMean | Mean annual sea bottom temperature in degree Celsius, as derived from Bio-ORACLE (2000-2014), for all coastal and oceanic cells, from 90 N to 78.5 S. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | SalinityMean | Mean annual surface salinity in practical salinity scale (PSS), as derived from Bio-ORACLE (2000-2014), for all coastal and oceanic cells, from 90 N to 78.5 S. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | SalinityBMean | Mean annual bottom salinity in practical salinity scale (PSS), as derived from Bio-ORACLE (2000-2014), for all coastal and oceanic cells, from 90 N to 78.5 S. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | PrimProdMean | Proportion of annual surface primary production in a cell in mgC·m-3·day -1, for all coastal and oceanic cells, from 90 N to 78.5 S. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | IceConAnn | Mean annual sea ice concentration in percent (or fraction from 0-1), as derived from Bio-ORACLE (2000-2014), for all coastal and oceanic cells, from 90 N to 78.5 S. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | OxyMean | Mean annual dissolved molecular oxygen at the surface, in millimole per cubic meter, as derived from Bio-ORACLE (2000-2014), for all coastal and oceanic cells, from 90 N to 78.5 S. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | OxyBMean | Mean annual dissolved molecular oxygen at the surface, in millimole per cubic meter, as derived from Bio-ORACLE (2000-2014), for all coastal and oceanic cells, from 90 N to 78.5 S. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | LandDist | Distance (km) to the nearest coastal cell (water cells only). | int | int |
hcaf_r | Shelf | The water area of the cell that lies within the shelf zone (0 - 200m depth); based on min/max elevation and proportion in depth zone. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | Slope | The water area of the cell that lies within the slope zone (>200 - 4000m depth); based on min/max elevation and proportion in depth zone. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | Abyssal | The water area of the cell that lies within the abyssal zone (> 4000m depth); based on min/max elevation and proportion in depth zone. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | TidalRange | Extent of tides in scaled discrete classes as provided by the original LOICZ Database, for all coastal and oceanic cells. | int | int |
hcaf_r | Coral | Proportion of whole (even non-water) cell covered by coral WCMC pixelclassify - NOT corrected to 284,300 sq km globally World Atlas of Coral Reefs UNEP WCMC 2001. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | Estuary | Area covered by estuaries in the cell. | double | dbl |
hcaf_r | Seamount | Number of known seamounts attributed to the cell. | int | int |
hcaf_r | MPA | Proportion of cell covered by a Marine Protected Area. | double | dbl |
speciesoccursum_r | SpeciesID | AquaMaps’ unique identifier for a valid species used by the Catalogue of Life Annual Checklist ( Example for the whale shark: Fis-30583 | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | SpecCode | Species identifier used in FishBase or SeaLifeBase | int | int |
speciesoccursum_r | Genus | Genus name of the species | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | Species | Specific epithet of the species | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | FBname | Common name suggested by FishBase or SeaLifeBase | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | OccurRecs | Number of point records used to generate good cells | int | int |
speciesoccursum_r | OccurCells | Number of good cells used to generate species envelope | int | int |
speciesoccursum_r | StockDefs | Distribution of the species as recorded in FishBase or SeaLifeBase | longtext | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | Kingdom | Kingdom to which the species belongs | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | Phylum | Phylum to which the species belongs | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | Class | Class to which the species belongs | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | Order | Order to which the species belongs | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | Family | Family to which the species belongs | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | deepwater | Does the species occur in the deep-sea (i.e. tagged bathypelagic or bathydemersal in FishBase or SeaLifeBase)? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
speciesoccursum_r | angling | Is the species a sport fish (i.e. tagged as a GameFish in FishBase)? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
speciesoccursum_r | diving | Is the species found on a dive (i.e. where DepthPrefMin in HSPEN < 20 meters)? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
speciesoccursum_r | dangerous | Is the species dangerous (i.e. tagged as ‘traumatogenic or venonous’ in FishBase or SeaLifeBase)? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
speciesoccursum_r | m_invertebrates | Is the species a marine invertebrate? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
speciesoccursum_r | highseas | Is the species an open ocean fish species (i.e. tagged as pelagic-oceanic in FishBase)? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
speciesoccursum_r | invasive | Is the species recorded to be invasive (i.e. in FishBase or SeaLifeBase)? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
speciesoccursum_r | resilience | Resilience of the species (i.e. as recorded in FishBase/SeaLifeBase) | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | iucn_id | IUCN species identifier | int | int |
speciesoccursum_r | iucn_code | IUCN Red list classification assigned to the species | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | iucn_version | IUCN version | varchar | chr |
speciesoccursum_r | provider | FishBase (FB) or SeaLifeBase (SLB)? | varchar | chr |
occurrencecells_r | RecordID | Unique occurrencecells ID, for internal use only. | int | int |
occurrencecells_r | CsquareCode | A unique identifier for every half-degree cell in the global map based on the c-square method - a hierarchical cell labelling system developed at CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (then CSIRO Marine Research). Example: 3414:227:3 | varchar | chr |
occurrencecells_r | SpeciesID | AquaMaps’ unique identifier for a valid species used by the Catalogue of Life Annual Checklist ( Example for the whale shark: Fis-30583 | varchar | chr |
occurrencecells_r | SpecCode | Species identifier used in FishBase/SeaLifeBase. | int | int |
occurrencecells_r | GoodCell | Is the cell a good cell (following the AquaMaps’ definition of a good cell i.e. cCell falls inside the known bounding box and/or FAO areas where the species is reported to occur)? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
occurrencecells_r | InFAOArea | Does the cell occur within the FAO areas where the species is reported to occur? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
occurrencecells_r | InBoundBox | Does the cell occur within the bounding box where the species is reported to occur? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
occurrencecells_r | GBIF_YN | Is the cell partially/completely based on GBIF point data? null=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
occurrencecells_r | OBIS_YN | Is the cell partially/completely based on OBIS point data? null=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
occurrencecells_r | FBSLB_YN | Is the cell partially/completely based on FishBase/SeaLifeBase occurrence records? null=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
occurrencecells_r | CountryPoint_YN | Is the cell partially/completely based on FishBase/SeaLifeBase country records? null=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
occurrencecells_r | AWI_YN | Is the cell partially/completely based on AWI point data? null=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
occurrencecells_r | IATTC_YN | Is the cell partially/completely based on IATTC point data? null=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
occurrencecells_r | UWA_YN | Is the cell partially/completely based on UWA point data? null=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
occurrencecells_r | CenterLat | The center point of the cell in decimal degrees latitude. Example: 89.75 | double | dbl |
occurrencecells_r | CenterLong | NA | NA | dbl |
occurrencecells_r | FAOAreaM | FAO area to which the cell belongs. | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | SpeciesID | AquaMaps’ unique identifier for a valid species used by the Catalogue of Life Annual Checklist ( Example for the whale shark: Fis-30583 | varchar | chr |
hspen_r | Speccode | Species identifier used in FishBase or SeaLifeBase. | int | int |
hspen_r | LifeStage | Life stage of the species. Currently all envelopes refer to adult environmental preferences. | varchar | chr |
hspen_r | FAOAreas | Comma-delimited string containing the FAO area codes where native occurrence of the species has been reported in the literature. Example: 5, 7, 18, 27, 37 | varchar | chr |
hspen_r | FAOComplete | Are the FAO areas listed in FAOAreas complete for this species? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | NMostLat | Northern-most latitude of distributional range of this species, in decimal degrees. Example: 55.5 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | SMostLat | Southern-most latitude of distributional range of this species, in decimal degrees. Example: -15 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | WMostLong | Western-most longitude of distributional range of this species in decimal degrees. Example: -130 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | EMostLong | Eastern-most longitude of distributional range of this species in decimal degrees. Example: -80 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | DepthYN | Is the depth parameter used in computing map data? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | DepthMin | Minimum depth where the species has been found (in meters). Example: 20 | int | int |
hspen_r | DepthPrefMin | Minimum depth PREFERRED by the species (in meters). Example: 30 | int | int |
hspen_r | DepthPrefMax | Maximum depth PREFERRED by the species (in meters). Example: 60 | int | int |
hspen_r | DepthMax | Maximum depth range where this species has been found (in meters). Example: 120 | int | int |
hspen_r | MeanDepth | Is mean depth used to fit the depth envelope? By default, marine mammals use mean depth. 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | Pelagic | Does the species occurs in the water column well above and largely independent of the bottom? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | TempYN | Is the temperature parameter used in computing map data? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | TempMin | Minimum temperature tolerated by the species (in deg C). Example: 16 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | TempPrefMin | Minimum temperature PREFERRED by the species (in deg C). Example: 20.0 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | TempPrefMax | Maximum temperature PREFERRED by the species (in deg C). Example: 27.0 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | TempMax | Maximum temperature tolerated by the species (in deg C). Example: 31 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | SalinityYN | Is the salinity parameter used in generating map data? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | SalinityMin | Minimum salinity tolerated by the species (in psu). Example: 20 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | SalinityPrefMin | Minimum salinity PREFERRED by the species (in psu). Example: 33.4 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | SalinityPrefMax | Maximum salinity PREFERRED by the species (in psu). Example: 35.7 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | SalinityMax | Maximum salinity tolerated by the species (in psu). Example: 38 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | PrimProdYN | Is the primary production parameter used in computing map data? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | PrimProdMin | Minimum amount of primary production tolerated by the species (in mgC·m-3·day-1). Example: 0 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | PrimProdPrefMin | Minimum amount of primary production PREFERRED by the species (in mgC·m-3·day-1). Example: 579 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | PrimProdPrefMax | Maximum amount of primary production PREFERRED by the species (in mgC·m-3·day-1). Example: 1754 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | PrimProdMax | Maximum amount of primary production tolerated by the species (in mgC·m-3·day-1). Example: 2935 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | IceConYN | Is the ice concentration parameter used in computing map data? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | IceConMin | Minimum sea ice concentration tolerated by the species (0-1 fraction). | double | dbl |
hspen_r | IceConPrefMin | Minimum sea ice concentration PREFERRED by the species (0-1 fraction). | double | dbl |
hspen_r | IceConPrefMax | Maximum sea ice concentration PREFERRED by the species (0-1 fraction). | double | dbl |
hspen_r | IceConMax | Maximum sea ice concentration tolerated by the species (0-1 fraction). | double | dbl |
hspen_r | OxyYN | Is the dissolved bottom oxygen parameter used in computing map data? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | OxyMin | Minimum dissolved bottom oxygen tolerated by the species (in mmol·m-3). Example 1.33 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | OxyPrefMin | Minimum dissolved bottom oxygen PREFERRED by the species (in mmol·m-3). Example 231.42 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | OxyPrefMax | Maximum dissolved bottom oxygen PREFERRED by the species (in mmol·m-3). Example 327.77 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | OxyMax | Maximum dissolved bottom oxygen tolerated by the species (in mmol·m-3). Example 408.99 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | LandDistYN | Is the distance to land parameter used in computing map data? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | LandDistMin | Minimum distance to land tolerated by the species (in km). Example: 20 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | LandDistPrefMin | Minimum distance to land PREFERRED by the species in (km). Example: 33 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | LandDistPrefMax | Maximum distance to land PREFERRED by the species (in km). Example: 35 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | LandDistMax | Maximum distance to land tolerated by the species (in km). Example: 38 | double | dbl |
hspen_r | Remark | Text field to accommodate any remarks relevant to this record. | longtext | chr |
hspen_r | DateCreated | Date and time when this record was first created. Example: 2019-06-24 00:00:00 | datetime | chr |
hspen_r | DateModified | Date and time when this record was last modified. If the record has not been modified, field is empty. Example: 2019-08-19 00:00:00 | datetime | chr |
hspen_r | expert_id | ID of the expert who last reviewed the envelope. | int | int |
hspen_r | DateExpert | Date and time when this record was last edited by an expert. Example: 2019-08-29 00:00:00 | datetime | chr |
hspen_r | Layer | Indicates whether the temperature and salinity parameters are based on bottom (=b) or surface (=s) values of half-degree cells used to compute the envelope. | char | chr |
hspen_r | Rank | Internal code for basis of computation for environmental envelope (1 = with >10 good cells; 2 = with 3-9 good cells only; 3 = restricted range, one known point, new species). | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | MapOpt | Indicates how native map (predicted probabilities) is plotted: 1 = area covered by both species’ bounding box and FAO areas, 2 = area covered by species’ FAO areas only, 3 = area covered by species’ bounding box only. | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | ExtnRuleYN | Was the FAO extension rule applied in the generation of the species envelope? 0=No, 1=Yes, null | tinyint | int |
hspen_r | Reviewed | Is this a reviewed envelope? 0=No, 1=Yes, null | tinyint | int |
hcaf_species_native | SpeciesID | AquaMaps’ unique identifier for a valid species used by the Catalogue of Life Annual Checklist ( Example for the whale shark: Fis-30583 | varchar | chr |
hcaf_species_native | CsquareCode | A unique identifier for every half-degree cell in the global map based on the c-square method - a hierarchical cell labelling system developed at CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (then CSIRO Marine Research). Example: 3414:227:3 | varchar | chr |
hcaf_species_native | CenterLat | The center point of the cell in decimal degrees latitude. Example: 89.75 | double | dbl |
hcaf_species_native | CenterLong | The center point of the cell in decimal degrees longitude. Example: -179.75 | double | dbl |
hcaf_species_native | Probability | Overall probability of occurrence of the species in the cell (ranging from 0.01 to 1). Example: 0.71 | float | dbl |
hcaf_species_native | FAOAreaYN | Does this cell fall within an FAO area where the species is known to occur (endemic/native)? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |
hcaf_species_native | BoundBoxYN | Does this cell fall within the geographical bounding box known for the species? 0=No, 1=Yes | tinyint | int |