This vignette is a long form documentation included in the raquamaps R package with the intention to describe some common usage scenarios, for example:
First some recommended R packages that are useful when working with raquamaps
, in order to facilitate plotting, data manipulation and data retrieval:
# plotting
# data manipulation
# data modelling
# we set our preference for how
# we choose to interpret string data
# throughout this tutorial
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
This package comes with some bundled reference data that can be used for demonstrational purposes and in off-line situations. For real use cases, it is recommended to use on-line services or tools for getting up-to-date reference data, such as the rgbif R package. How to get data from rgbif for use in raquamaps will be covered later in this tutorial.
Before showing some convenience functions that simplify accessing reference data, here is how you can access bundled reference datasets directly:
# Inspect documentation for reference datasets
# that are bundled into the package with this ...
# data(package = "raquamaps")
# Get and print names of bundled datasets
# in the raquamaps package
datasets <- data(package = "raquamaps")$results[ ,"Item"]
## [1] "aquamaps_galemys_pyrenaicus" "aquamaps_hc"
## [3] "aquamaps_hcaf_eu" "aquamaps_hcaf_world"
## [5] "aquamaps_presence_basins" "aquamaps_presence_occurrences"
# Load and unload one of the bundled datasets
# into your current environment
data("aquamaps_galemys_pyrenaicus") # load
rm("aquamaps_galemys_pyrenaicus") # unload
# If you want to load a dataset into your own variable you can ...
# Define a helper function to load reference data from
# an R package as a data frame that displays nicely
get_data <- function(x)
tbl_df(get(data(list = x)))
# ... and use it to load a dataset into your own named variable
hcaf_eu <- get_data("aquamaps_hcaf_eu")
galemys <- get_data("aquamaps_galemys_pyrenaicus")
# Here we load the European cell authority fields, ie half degree cell
# data including geometry and an explicitly defined set of bioclimate
# variables
clim_vars <- c(
hcaf <- get_data("aquamaps_hcaf_eu") %>%
# discard irrelevant fields
# and rename the cell identifier column name to
# harmonize with the other datasets
select(loiczid = LOICZID, one_of(clim_vars))
# Define a cleanup function, intended for use across columns
replace_9999 <- function(x)
ifelse(round(x) == -9999, NA, x)
# We apply the above cleanup function across columns, dplyr style
hcaf_eu <-
hcaf %>%
# recode values across climate variable columns
# substitute -9999, use NA instead, exclude the "loiczid" column
mutate_each(funs(replace_9999), -loiczid)
## Source: local data frame [8,593 x 9]
## loiczid Elevation TempMonthM NPP SoilpH SoilMoistu PrecipAnMe CTI_Max
## 1 103418 475.45 31 0.228 7.652 0.1005 4.73 1777
## 2 102697 479.77 31 0.228 7.686 0.1505 4.19 2008
## 3 102698 432.49 31 0.228 7.792 0.1000 4.39 1814
## 4 103419 441.11 31 0.207 7.643 0.1000 4.99 1864
## 5 103420 411.25 30 0.207 7.725 0.1000 5.44 1897
## 6 102699 407.43 31 0.207 7.797 0.1000 4.60 1774
## 7 102700 385.83 31 0.207 7.665 0.1000 4.92 1564
## 8 101971 882.62 30 0.001 7.670 0.7485 5.76 1666
## 9 101972 781.76 30 0.001 7.765 0.8145 4.93 1556
## 10 101251 766.98 30 0.001 7.770 0.7845 5.03 1737
## .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
## Variables not shown: SoilCarbon (dbl)
There are some convenient helper functions that simplifies access and provides some relevant defaults for use with the demonstrational reference data that is bundled in the package:
# Suggested set of bioclimate variables
clim_vars <- default_clim_vars()
# One specific species name - the default species - Galemys pyrenaicus
species <- default_species()
# Several species names available in the reference data
species_list <- default_species_list()
# European half degree cell reference data for some relevant bioclimate variables
hcaf_eu <- default_hcaf()
# Presence data for all species in the bundled
# reference data, including grid cell identifiers (loiczids)
presence_occs <- default_presence()
# Showing a "dplyr inspired way" to load presence data
# which demonstrates using dplyr API with a
# "pipe" operator that chains operations together sequentially,
# each step sending its output as input to the next step,
# going from left to right
presence_galemys <-
default_presence() %>%
filter(lname == default_species())
# Yet another way to display grid cell identifiers (loiczids)
# for the default species
presence_loiczids <-
presence_occs %>%
filter(lname == default_species()) %>%
group_by(loiczid) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
# Another variant on the same thing
presence_galemys_pyrenaicus <-
presence_occs %>%
# retain only records for a specific latin name
filter(lname == "galemys pyrenaicus") %>%
# in case of duplicate cell ids, retrieve only distinct ids
distinct(loiczid) %>%
# group_by(loiczid) %>%
# Get a list of all latin names for all species in the
# bundled occurrence dataset ordered with the species with
# the most dispersed distribution (ie highest number of distinct
# different cells) at the top
presence_occs %>%
group_by(lname) %>%
summarise(count = n_distinct(loiczid)) %>%
arrange(desc(count)) %>%
select(species = lname, count)
## Source: local data frame [110 x 2]
## species count
## 1 ardea cinerea 1793
## 2 gallinago gallinago 1450
## 3 riparia riparia 1444
## 4 aythya fuligula 1388
## 5 phalacrocorax carbo 1386
## 6 numenius arquata 1245
## 7 cinclus cinclus 1209
## 8 bucephala clangula 1204
## 9 gallinula chloropus 1162
## 10 mergus merganser 1158
## .. ... ...
Now that we can retrieve presence data for one species using the bundled reference data, we can show the workflow for calculating the environmental envelope or spread values.
# We find bioclimate variable data from half degree cells
# where a specific species has been present
hcaf_galemys <- hcaf_by_species("galemys pyrenaicus")
# We determine the spreads across these particular grid cells
# ie calculate the environmental envelope for the species
spreads_galemys <- calc_spreads(hcaf_galemys)
# We can also use this wrapper function for convenience
calc_spreads_by_species("galemys pyrenaicus")
## Source: local data frame [8 x 13]
## Measure n n_distinct n_NA min max q1 q3 d1 d9 range iqr
## 1 Elevation 76 76 0 229 1767 650 1068 478 1177 1538 418
## 2 TempMonthM 76 10 0 10 19 14 16 13 17 9 2
## 3 NPP 76 28 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
## 4 SoilpH 76 66 0 5 8 5 7 5 8 3 2
## 5 SoilMoistu 76 76 0 53 142 82 120 70 127 89 38
## 6 PrecipAnMe 76 76 0 35 114 47 87 41 100 79 41
## 7 CTI_Max 76 71 0 1103 1878 1341 1528 1269 1618 775 187
## 8 SoilCarbon 76 68 0 4 10 5 8 5 9 6 3
## Variables not shown: idr (dbl)
Now, across various other half degree grid cells, where we have similar bioclimate variable information available, we can calculate relative probabilites for presence, assuming that similar spreads in the species’ environmental bioclimate variables would indicate a suitable habitat:
# Calculate probabilites across European grid cells,
# given this particular species preference for environmental envelopes
hcaf_eu <- default_hcaf()
# You can inspect the model used by inspecting the calc_prob and calc_probs
# functions, ie uncomment lines below and run in R to inspect the functions:
# calc_prob
# calc_probs
# You can see how prod_p is calculated in the calc_probs function, ie:
# prod_p = Elevation * TempMonthM * NPP * SoilpH *
# SoilMoistu * PrecipAnMe * CTI_Max * SoilCarbon
# where those factors are individual p values determined by calc_prob using
# the spread or environmental envelope preference
probs <- calc_probs(hcaf_eu, spreads_galemys)
# Define custom plot style to use in ggplot2 plots
theme_raquamaps <- function() {
theme <- theme_bw() + theme(
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
panel.background = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank())
# Plot a histogram of the probabilities
ggplot(probs, aes(x = probs$p)) + theme_raquamaps() +
geom_bar(fill = "darkgreen", colour = "darkgray")
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
Instead of using the prepackaged reference data, you will probably want to get data from GBIF. Here is an illustration of how to do this conveniently by using the rgbif R package:
# Get presence data for Great White Shark from rgbif
# jagged_tooth <- "Carcharodon carcharias"
#gws <- presence_rgbif(jagged_tooth)
#gws <- get_data("rgbif_great_white_shark")
gws <- get_data("rgbif_galemys_pyrenaicus")
## Warning in data(list = x): data set 'rgbif_galemys_pyrenaicus' not found
# TODO: add presence dataset from gbif to package
# to avoid problems to build if rgbif service is unavailable
# Plot the point data, with a world map to provide context
world <- map_data("world")
ggplot(world, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) +
# paint country border
geom_path(color = "gray50", alpha = 0.4) +
# add general styling
theme_raquamaps() + coord_cartesian() +
# zoom in to Europe
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-20, 10), ylim = c(35, 50)) +
# add point data
geom_point(data = gws,
aes(x = gws$decimalLongitude,
y = gws$decimalLatitude, group = 0),
alpha = 0.1, color = "darkgreen")
## Warning: Removed 293 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
# We need at least 5 observations per half degree cell,
# and need to find those grid cells where the species is present
r <- rasterize_presence(gws)
loiczids <- which_cells_in_raster(r, 5)
hcaf_gws <-
# use European half degree cell authority file
default_hcaf() %>%
# return only cells where there was presence
filter(loiczid %in% loiczids)
# Now we know where this species is likely to be present
# and we determine the corresponding bioclimate variable parameter
# spread for the cells with known presence
spread_gws <- calc_spreads(hcaf_gws)
# Finally we calculate relative probabilities for presence in
# other cells, assuming that cells with similar "environmental envelope"
# is more likely to be a suitable habitat for this species
hcaf_eu <- default_hcaf()
p <- calc_probs(hcaf_eu, spread_gws)
# Using half degree cell grid data for the whole world
# TODO: unfortunately we miss bioclimate variable data for the full
# world grid, this should be added
hdc_world <-
tbl_df(get(data("aquamaps_hc"))) %>%
mutate(loiczid = LOICZID) %>%
rownames(hdc_world) <- hdc_world$loiczid
# TODO: Ask Sven K for reasonable habitat
You can now proceed to visualize this data in raster format like so:
# Put the probabilities into a raster layer
r <- raster(ncol = 720, nrow = 360)
r[p$loiczid] <- p$prod_p
# Convert raster layer data to a data frame
# to simpligy plotting with ggplot2
cx <- coordinates(r)[ ,1]
cy <- coordinates(r)[ ,2]
df <- data.frame(x = cx, y = cy, p = values(r))
# Shows how to use Fisher-Jenks style class intervals
# for coloring in the plot
fisher_intervals <- classIntervals(df$p, n = 5, style = "fisher")
## Warning in classIntervals(df$p, n = 5, style = "fisher"): var has missing
## values, omitted in finding classes
p_steps <- cut(df$p, breaks = fisher_intervals$brks)
# For now we just go with a standard five-stepped
# sequential color scheme
breakpoints <- c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1)
colors <- brewer.pal(5, "YlOrRd")
p_steps <- cut(df$p, breaks = breakpoints)
# Plot raster data along with the world map
map_gws <-
ggplot(world, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) +
# zoom in to Europe
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-50, 50), ylim = c(20, 75)) +
# use specific styling
theme_bw() + theme(
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
panel.background = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "gray95"),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "gray95"),
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank()) +
# add the raster data that was converted to a data frame earlier
geom_raster(data = df, aes(x, y, fill = p_steps, group = NULL)) +
# this determines colors used, inspired by
scale_fill_brewer(type = "seq", palette = "YlOrRd", name = "Probabilities") +
# outline country border with a light gray color
geom_path(color = "gray70", alpha = 0.4) +
# add grid lines to the map
scale_y_continuous(breaks=(-2:2) * 30) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=(-4:4) * 45)
# We now display this plot
# To export this map, ggsave can be used
#ggsave(filename = "map.png", plot = map_gws,
# width = 5, height = 4, units = "cm")
# To export the raster data one can save the raster
# or export the corresponding data frame to csv, like so:
# write.csv2(tbl_df(df), file = "rasterdata.csv")
# Calculate spreads for several species at once
# dplyr style, limit calculation to top 10 species
species_list %>%
filter(count > 100) %>%
head(10) %>%
group_by(species) %>%
## Source: local data frame [80 x 14]
## Groups: species
## species Measure n n_distinct n_NA min max q1 q3
## 1 ardea cinerea Elevation 1541 1518 0 1 2323 104 484
## 2 ardea cinerea TempMonthM 1541 32 0 0 35 12 16
## 3 ardea cinerea NPP 1541 361 0 -9999 1 0 1
## 4 ardea cinerea SoilpH 1541 1010 0 -9999 8 5 6
## 5 ardea cinerea SoilMoistu 1541 1523 0 0 150 75 114
## 6 ardea cinerea PrecipAnMe 1541 1326 0 0 229 48 69
## 7 ardea cinerea CTI_Max 1541 761 0 597 2272 1383 1686
## 8 ardea cinerea SoilCarbon 1541 1191 0 -9999 19 5 10
## 9 aythya fuligula Elevation 1208 1199 0 -9999 1933 101 429
## 10 aythya fuligula TempMonthM 1208 29 0 0 34 10 14
## .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
## Variables not shown: d1 (dbl), d9 (dbl), range (dbl), iqr (dbl), idr (dbl)
# Create a function to wrap several steps into one
# first calculate environmental envelope for a species
# then calculate probabilities across European grid
calc_probs_species <- function(.latinname) {
# hcaf_species <- hcaf_by_species(.latinname)
spreads_species <- calc_spreads_by_species(.latinname)
hcaf_eu <- default_hcaf()
probs <- tbl_df(calc_probs(hcaf_eu, spreads_species))
return (probs)
# Now we use the function above to calculate probabilities
# for just one species
## Source: local data frame [8,593 x 11]
## loiczid Elevation TempMonthM NPP SoilpH SoilMoistu PrecipAnMe
## 1 11997 1 0.000 0 0 1.0000000 0.39575
## 2 11998 1 0.000 0 0 0.2948841 0.39850
## 3 11999 1 0.000 0 0 0.2778778 0.39450
## 4 12712 1 0.000 0 0 1.0000000 0.46900
## 5 12713 1 0.000 0 0 1.0000000 0.47350
## 6 12714 1 0.000 0 0 1.0000000 0.48150
## 7 13415 1 0.125 0 0 1.0000000 0.51050
## 8 13417 1 0.000 0 0 1.0000000 0.52025
## 9 13419 1 0.000 0 0 0.7864846 0.50975
## 10 13420 1 0.000 0 0 1.0000000 0.51325
## .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
## Variables not shown: CTI_Max (dbl), SoilCarbon (dbl), prod_p (dbl),
## geomprod_p (dbl)
# However, we want to use the function above now
# to calculate probabilities for several species,
# Here is how we do that, dplyr style, including
# how to limit to 10 species in one batch calculation
batch_of_ten <-
species_list %>%
head(10) %>%
group_by(species) %>%
# How to merge several species into one
# say we have two synonyms, use this technique
# which_cells(c("galemys pyrenaicus", "mergus merganser"))